Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Its Christmas Eve, but it doesn't feel like it. I guess its because it hasn't been the same routine from when I was little. Normally, its church then Jay's house where we eat and stay up until midnight to open presents. Then we play with all of our toys until we pass out. Fun times. It's not the typical thing to do. None of this cookies and milk out for Santa and presents in the morning nonsense. As we get older, there's been less and less toys under the tree which is understandable. We don't even have presents under our small christmas tree.

Well this year, my mom and dad are both here which should be awesome in theory. Instead, it's just harder. Now that my broseph is married, he's spending Christmas with her family. Normally, he'll spend time with my mom and I'll spend time with my dad and we switch off. Everyone is happy. Well, now I can't be at two places at one time so someone is disappointed. There's 2 churches to attend and 2 dinners to go to, where do I go? Quite the conundrum.

Well on a lighter note, I'm not one for asking for a bunch of presents for Christmas or my birthday, but it's always nice I guess. I've already been given 3 presents this year. From my dad, mom, and uncle rick. My mom and uncle got me shoes, woo! My dad got me one thing that I've been wanting for awhile now.

Nikon SB-600 Speedlight.

Isn't she a beaut. Actually, I'm still waiting for it to get delivered.

Well, that's all for now. Merry Christmas.

Bye now.

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